OJK: Performance of performance indicators for first quarter 2024 reaches 63.88 percent, still on track
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta — Vice-chairman of the Supervisory Board Financial Services Authority or DK FSA Mirza Adityaswara said OJK’s performance in Key Performance Indicators (IKU) continues to be on track.
“The OJK KPI value in quarter I-2024 compared to the final target is 63.88 percent of the 100 percent value scale,” he said during a hearing of Committee XI. DPR in Senayan, Wednesday, June 26, 2024.
The overall average KPI value is calculated based on the average value of eight Strategic Objectives (SS), which are divided into a total of 21 performance indicators.
The average value of the four SS-1 indicators related to developing a healthy, efficient and integrity financial services sector and strengthening consumer and community protection reached 94.17 percent of the first quarter target and 85 .56 percent of the year-end target.
Meanwhile, the KPI SS-2 value related to achieving market deepening and increasing literacy and inclusivity was 98.65 percent of the first quarter target and 48.76 percent compared to the year-end target.
The value of IKU SS-3 is to strengthen regulatory, supervisory and law enforcement principles prudentialopenness, and market behavior integrated is 99.54 percent of the first quarter target and 74.81 percent of the year-end target.
Based on three SS-4 indicators related to improving service quality and integrated and transparent blood management, the target’s average KPI value subsequently reached 100 percent compared to the first quarter target and 56.67 percent compared to the goal at the end of the year.
Meanwhile, on accelerating activities in education, literacy, financial inclusion and consumer protection, SS-5 achieved a KPI score of 100 percent of the first quarter target and 73.9 percent compared to the end target of the year.
The IKU SS-6 score on organizational transformation and superior human resources development also showed quite good results, reaching 100 percent of the first quarter target and 48.75 percent of the year-end target .
In addition, with regard to the development of information systems to support the tasks and functions of OJK, SS-7 achieved results not much different from SS-6, with an average KPI score of 100 percent of the first quarter target and 48, 76 percent of the target at the end of the year. goal.
Meanwhile, two indicators from SS-8 related to improving effective and efficient governance recorded an average KPI value of 100 percent compared to the first quarter target and 59.19 percent compared to the year-end target.
“So overall, OJK’s IKU performance is considered good on course” added Mirza.
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