Danish government targets mothers to overcome stunting in Indonesia

Medial News
3 min readAug 4, 2024



Jakarta (medialnews) — The Danish government has made mothers an important target in a strategy to tackle stunting and malnutrition, which still plague Indonesia.

This was conveyed by Danish Deputy Chef de Mission Soren Bindesboll when he was a speaker at the webinar. Ambassador’s interview with the Danish Embassy in Indonesia entitled Approaches to preventing stunting from a different perspective, Wednesday.

In her presentation, Soren explained that an expectant mother received significant attention even before she got pregnant. A future mother receives advice on which healthy foods should be eaten.

Then, when they enter pregnancy, these pregnant women still need to eat healthy and nutritious foods, in addition to receiving supplements. Nutritious food is dominated by vegetables, fruits, fish, dairy products and some meat. As for the consumption of excess sugar as much as possible avoided.

Also Read: BKKBN Seeks To Reduce Stunting Cases By 14% By 2024

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Before and during pregnancy, the consumption of alcohol, drugs and cigarettes is totally prohibited.

“Even the consumption of drugs for health purposes should also be consulted with a doctor,” he said.

Before childbirth, Soren said, in addition to eating healthy foods with supplements, pregnant women should also be physically active.

“Then the outside parties should also participate in the presentation of a healthy environment for pregnant women so that their pregnancy is healthy and away from stressful things,” he said.

After a baby is born, good nutrition begins with exclusive breastfeeding for at least six months before starting complementary feeding.

In the first days of complementary foods, babies should first be given fruits and vegetables, before being introduced to meat from the age of 8 months.

“Also complete with gifts oil and fats that can stimulate the baby’s growth, ”he said.

As children age and enter school age, the issue of good nutrition will continue with the involvement of more related institutions. For example nursery and schools which must provide healthy food for children.

“We have many institutions with particular concerns in providing healthy food on different fronts,” he said.

Soren said the Danish government pays great attention to eradicating stunting and malnutrition because it wants to prepare the best for the next generation.

“We believe that a good generation will emerge from children fed good nutrition. Because well-nourished children will grow up and develop well. to survive and socialize with the surrounding environment, ”he said.

The National Population and Family Planning Council (BKKBN) seeks to reduce the number of cases of stunting or stunting in children under five in Indonesia to 14% by 2024.

BKKBN Training, Research and Development MP Rizal Damanik said Indonesia still currently occupies 108 of the 132 countries with the number of dwarf cases.

“Based on the 2018 Global Nutrition Report, the prevalence of stunting in Indonesia in 132 countries ranks 108th, while in Southeast Asia, the prevalence of stunting in Indonesia is the highest. second highest after Cambodia, “he said. *

Also Read: Lack Of Nutritional Intake Causes Stunted Growth That Weakens The Brain

Read also: BKKBN: 1000 days from the start of pregnancy, a crucial period to avoid stunting

Journalist: Andi Firdaus
Editor: Erafzon Saptiyulda AS





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Medial News

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